A real-life good luck charm

The girl in the delicate white dress had to hunt around for a long time to find the four-leaf clover that she now holds so proudly. Gift your loved ones this Blossom Child and she will bring them all the luck in the world! Whether they’re getting engaged or married, sitting exams, graduating from college or moving into their first home, all these special moments shine more brightly with a good luck charm to hand. Customization options are available to make this figurine your very own.

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Little star

They say that, if you spy a shooting star, you should make a wish – but it’ll only come true if you keep it to yourself. There’s a simpler way, however. If you’re looking to gift someone special their own personal wishing star, our little Marguerite Angel is just the thing. Stars are fixed points in our lives that guide us on our way. This might be when we’re facing a big event – exams; moving to a different city; starting a new job.

A bit of extra luck

“You make your own luck,” as the saying goes. Yet there are moments in life when it can’t hurt to have a little extra luck on your side. That’s when the Eleven Dot Angel with its golden four-leaf clover comes to the fore. To ensure the angel succeeds in their mission, the painters in the factory can, if wished, add a personal, aesthetically painted message to the base.

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